Saturday, September 11, 2010

Extremism is Extremely ANNOYING

Books burned by Nazis (display at Yad Vashem).Image via WikipediaWell here it is September 11. I seriously hope this means I don't have to watch any more news reports about idiots who think burning ANY religion's holy texts is a good idea. WTF?  And I keep hearing other no-so-brights saying things like, "Well if people weren't afraid of them, then no one would be freaking out about this, so it just proves the book burners are right!"  Uhm....whaaat??

I am against any and all book burning of any kind. So no...."being afraid" has jack shit to do with it for me...and I wager that goes for MOST people that took issue with it.

I think all extremists are whacko. And guess what? Every religion....every single one....HAS THEM. The Christians and Muslims don't hold the corner of the market on having some stray loose cannons running around. And there are good, kind, wonderful people of every faith (and non-faith) in the world. I don't think burning texts that are sacred to any faith is "okay" because it's RUDE, inconsiderate, callous, unkind, and at the worst...downright hateful.

You would certainly think that adults (at least) would have learned how to voice their disagreements without resorting to the destruction of property..."holy" or otherwise. Seriously. I understand that the "crazies" are incapable of this, but...need the rest of us stoop to that same crazy level of self expression too??

I think perhaps consideration should be given to some sort of mental stability tests being administered before people breed. Not to prevent them from having children, but just so that we have some kind of forewarning that the world is about to be inundated with more potentially delusional, easily misguided, non-critical thinkers, who tend to behave like lemmings on crack (kind of an insult to lemmings, since even lemmings are smart enough to avoid crack).

And to the victims and families of 911....I hope for your continued healing and I am sorry that all this controversy overshadowed the anniversary of this day where you suffered...where some of you were heroes...where with great courage you tried to do all you live and to help others.
And to the extremists who caused your suffering...both the political extremists and the religious extremists...Karma is a bitch and it works without fail. What goes around does come around whether you choose to believe it or not. I hope that you will stand as strong as the victims and families of 911 stood, and continue to stand, but somehow, I doubt that you have the backbone that they have.

Violence is cowardly. It takes much more effort to sow peace.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Amazing Grasp of the Obvious

Why...why do people find it necessary to say things to me like..."Wow you're really TALL!"  ??? What do they expect me to say?

"OMG...I AM?!!!  Like, I never NOTICED that before!  Thanks for letting me know!

I've only been living inside my body for almost half a century. You'd think they would realize that making that announcement...isn't really news to me.

Social Media Inebriation?.....hic!

I am overdosing on social media. Between Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, Posterous, Vimeo, YouTube, Delicious, Google Buzz, LinkedIn, iLike, StumbleUpon, Amplify, Listography, and Blogger, just to name a few....I spend more and more time at my desk. So I bailed on Google Buzz (since it was the most annoying). I'm wondering if maybe someday I'll be able to buy medical insurance from any of these sites specifically for Fat Ass Syndrome, which doesn't seem to be covered on my regular insurance.....

Monday, September 6, 2010

Where is the Sock Gobbling Dryer Demon When You NEED it?

Dirty socks in the middle of the living room floor.  Teenagers.  That's all I'm sayin'.