Monday, December 20, 2010

Nothin' to Be Cranky About Today

I can't find any way to be cranky about son, holding his son. Nope. Can't be cranky right now, that's for sure! All I can feel is....bliss. Grama Isn't Cranky. :)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Things That Make Me Go.... O M G

X-Pattern ContrailImage via Wikipedia
And I don't mean O M G in a good way either.  I'm talking about the kind of O M G that makes you want to scream and pull your hair out when you say it.

I'd love to read your O M G triggers, too, so if you have a second to leave one (or more)...please do. Here are mine:

  1. You know that driver that drives in the left hand lane ALL the time?
  2. That friend that never EVER has a lighter, but every time they come over yours ends up missing
  3. People that see a damn conspiracy theory behind every single thing on the news....and if there is one....I don't bloody flippin' CARE
  4. The person that spit that gum out on the sidewalk, I mean....WTF?
  5. Door to door salesmen, yeah....I'm sorry, I know it's your job, but you really should maybe try to get a DIFFERENT job, because I don't think I'm alone here in finding you utterly annoying.
  6. People who fancy themselves scientific experts on things like chemtrails and UFOs and anything else you can think of, but have never even GONE to college, much less graduated with any kind of expertise on anything beyond belly button lint, but go on to proclaim their vast knowledge, usually in a very public forum like YouTube.
  7. Stupid people. That's right....stupid people. People that just choose to stay stupid about important things, you politics or breast feeding or how to keep their 4 year old child out of the middle of the street. Stuff like that.

Well there's my short list. I could go on and on, know....bitching is a skill and I've allocated a lot of talent points to that skill, but....I'll leave it for now. Thanks for listening, and I'd love to "listen" to yours too!